What are community cookbooks? They are a collection of recipes from individuals belonging to a church, school, civic organization, hospital, etc. that are put together and sent to a publisher, then sold as a fundraiser.
I love community cookbooks. Some of my favorite recipes have come from them. You will find recipes that are usually easy, time tested and often handed down from generation to generation. Many are recipes from different parts of the world and ethnicities.
You will also find funny recipes - recipes for love, a happy marriage and recipes with really unusual names!
I am always looking for new community cookbooks to add to my Addoway store. I also carry a number of magazines that specialize in cooking - Bon Appetit, Menu and Martha Stewart Living, as well as specialty recipe books. Check out the following categories in my store (listed on the left of my main Addoway page): Books>Cookbooks and Books>Magazine Back Issues.