A blog (a portmanteau of the term web log) is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first.
Addoway gives every seller - whether a regular or pro member - a portal to publish a blog. In turn two blogs are featured on the Addoway home page each day. These are picked randomly on a rotating basis. So if you write a blog, you might be one of the bloggers featured on the Addoway home page! This is a very good thing.
As people get to know you through your blogs, they will become more comfortable buying from you - and I know you want sales!
What to write about? It could be about what you sell, where you get your items, your pets, etc. Your blog doesn't have to be long, I actually think short is better. We all get writers block, and sometimes I just share a favorite recipe. Browse through my and other seller's blogs to get ideas.
Oh, and be sure to post them on our Addoway facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/AddowaySellers/. They will be read and shared on Twitter and Facebook by other sellers, further increasing your exposure! And be sure you read and share theirs. Happy blogging!
Addoway gives every seller - whether a regular or pro member - a portal to publish a blog. In turn two blogs are featured on the Addoway home page each day. These are picked randomly on a rotating basis. So if you write a blog, you might be one of the bloggers featured on the Addoway home page! This is a very good thing.
As people get to know you through your blogs, they will become more comfortable buying from you - and I know you want sales!
What to write about? It could be about what you sell, where you get your items, your pets, etc. Your blog doesn't have to be long, I actually think short is better. We all get writers block, and sometimes I just share a favorite recipe. Browse through my and other seller's blogs to get ideas.
Oh, and be sure to post them on our Addoway facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/AddowaySellers/. They will be read and shared on Twitter and Facebook by other sellers, further increasing your exposure! And be sure you read and share theirs. Happy blogging!
Thanks so much, Donna! This was really helpful!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment - it's sometimes hard to know if what I write is relevant to readers! ;-D